The Balcony project space


       The Promise of Ruin(s),
            Chapter seven: Eternal Sunshine of the Restless Mind

       Slow Drift(s),
            Chapter one: Peggy Ahwesh

       Towards a new domesticity, The Hague

       Semantics of the Shell, CAV Gallery

       The Promise of Ruin(s),
            Chapter six: General Morphology of Urbanism
            Chapter five: Fully Worktioning
            Chapter four: The insincere charm of things

       The Promise of Ruin(s),
            Chapter three: From Dust till Dawn
            Chapter two: Misfortunes of the Turbo-Tasking
            Chapter one: Parasites of the Imaginary

       The Loading, with Salon 75 

Willem de Haan
Tudor Bratu


        Towards a new domesticity, CAV Gallery, Bucharest (RO)
Oh darling, Let’s run with the turtles, Salon 75, Copenhagen (DK)
SEA Foundation, Tilburg (NL)
        Untitled (self), Laura Jatkowski, Liege (BE)
        TikTok vs Abramovic, Berlin (DE)
Fly-In-Fly-Out, Eva Pel, Liege (BE)
A Finger in Every Pie, The Hague (NL)
SWAB Contemporary Art Fair, Barcelona (ES)
ACDC, Dilum Coppens, Liege (BE)
Work, Comfort, Home, Michael Mönnich, Liege (BE)
The Town Mouse and the Country House, Rocherfort (BE)
Contamination, Fonderia 20.9 (IT)

Susan Bites 

Days of our Lives, Group  
A Finger in Every Pie, Group
INFRA, Group
Grigoris Rizakis, Solo
All Bark No Bite, Group

The Balcony vitrine

Harriet Rose Morley
Gabriele Dini
Wouter van der Giessen
The Town Mouse, Group
Anita Mikas & Markus Liehr
Lisa Sudhibhasilp

Jānis Dzirnieks
Gökay Atabek
Niels Post
Saelia Aparicio & Mire Lee
John Van Oers
Archetype, Duo
Marlotte Nugteren
Jolijn van den Heuvel
Johannes Holt-Iversen
Franziska Harnisch

Reynir Thor
Jason Terlouw
Vera Mennens
Julie Kern Donck
Rick van Meel
Hester van Tongerlo
Linda Lenssen
Martin Gabriel
Michael Mönnich
