Lisa Sudhibhasilp
10.01.20 - 04.02.20
For its 20th exhibition at Herenstraat 14, The Balcony welcomes Amsterdam-based artist Lisa Sudhibhasilp.
Lisa Sudhibhasilp has developed her work and research around the concept of shop and commercial displays. She investigates the formal aspects of vitrines and hardware stores. And by exploring the mechanisms of presentation, she questions and reformulates the notions of value in architectures - made not only to host but also to show, exhibit, reveal, curate or sell.
Her sculptural and photographic works embrace the production of handmade objects which formally and theoretically refer to the shop’s display.
Jan Buijs, De Volharding Building. The Hague
Window displays represent the face of the store. The window is staged and separates objects from their context. These arrangements reinforce a certain aesthetic value. Frederick Kiesler worked at the very intersection between art, design, architecture and designed between 1928 and 1930 the windows of Saks Fifth Avenue. His design for the luxurious mall was quite revolutionary and modernist. In Contemporary Art Applied to the Store and its Display (1929), he describes the storefront window space as the “ultimate exhibition space.” The shop is arranging commodities in order to create desire from the consumer, which is in a way related to the involvement of the audience that artists pursue.
Frederick Kiesler, Contemporary art applied to the store and its display, 1929.
Interestingly enough, Kiesler mentions in his book many examples of French and Dutch architecture: including Jan Buijs’ notorious ‘De Volharding Building’ in The Hague - initially covered in luminous advertisements.