Gabriela Acha, Matthew James Lanning, Hannah Parikh, Jaehun Park, Jesse Siegel, Jan Tomza-Osiecki
01.11.19 - 30.11.19
The Balcony is happy to present the group exhibition “INFRA” at Susan Bites, The Hague.
Design by Jaehun Park
The ritualistic repetition of scenarios and their accompanying acts create the physiological memory embedded in the consumption of goods. These become the unconscious structures of market driven subjects. All the scenarios and acts that are inscribed in the physiology and unconscious of the flâneur are contrasted by the surface level qualities of the materiality that envelops these acts and scenarios.
As the title of the group exhibition suggests "INFRA", which means below, is an exhibition in which the artist are researching the structures that support technological, logistical, and ideological formations.
These topics were initiated from a series of questions:
How are the structures underneath technology, logistics and ideology formed?
How do they create a material support that combine the fields of technology, logistics, and ideology?
In combining these fields, how does matter play a role and how do materials speak of these fields?
Supported by Stroom Den Haag
Completely Private, Jan Tomza-Osiecki
I like you seeing how to touch endlessly, Jesse Siegel
Buddha & iceberg, JaehunPark
Pre-figuration, Matthew James Lanning
Video Fossil, Gabriela Acha
Tea Break, Hannah Parikh
Gabriela Acha
Matthew James Lanning
Hannah Parikh
Jaehun Park
Jesse Siegel
Jan Tomza-Osiecki