Gökay Atabek
Music For Contemporary Audience nr 74 - The End
04.10.19 - 30.10.19
For its 18th exhibition at Herenstraat 14, The Balcony has selected Gökay Atabek‘s proposal through an Open Call.
Gökay Atabek presents ‘Music For Contemporary Audience nr 74 - The End’. The artist dug a grave for himself and one for Yoko Ono.
“ Since my inauguration to arts I started feeling a bond with Yoko Ono. A love that can be only described as maternal bond. The way I can elaborate, at best, would be through how I feel about V-2 Missiles. Still that wouldn't be so comprehensive either.
Where I was born, we bury children next to or on top of their mothers. Maybe I wasn't born at the same place as my de-facto mother, but at least now we can be buried at the same place. ”
Gokay Atabek is an intermedia artist and a member of VØLKSAMT!, a collective serving to burn the final bridges of art.

(Applications are closed)
ARE WELCOME TO APPLY////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
KABK students that identify as the following...
… romantic procrastinators, picturesque performers, iconoclast day-dreamers, cocktail masters, Aliens, overlooked young-british-artists, Action shoppers, dog-walkers, binge-dancers, meme-producers, conceptual tossers, lowkey goddesses, all-nighters, jaded tutors, rehab’ survivors, disillusioned democrats, Horeca sweat drops, intense duos, hallway hobos… this application is yours.
In other words, unconventional artists that wish to inscribe their practice within the vitrine’s program now - and for future collaborations, are welcome to apply.
Anything that physically fits or does so conceptually within the space of the vitrine is la bienvenue.
HOW TO APPLY/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Send to thebalcony.thehague@gmail.com your unfinished portfolios, incomplete projects, spontaneous proposals, cheerful happenings, one night stands.
*Keep in mind it is a vitrine visible 24/7 to all kinds of publics.
Besides that, proposals can take all possible shapes.
If written Max. 2x A4
The exhibition runs for four weeks, as well as on The Balcony’s website - as long as the Internet keeps running.
Location: Herenstraat 14, The Hague (click for map)
Stroom Den Haag is an independent foundation founded in 1990. It is an art center with a wide range of activities, with a focus on visual arts, architecture, urban planning and design. Stroom organizes exhibitions, projects, lectures, workshops, and hosts a library & documentation center.
The Balcony/Susan Bites is an artist collective based in The Hague (NL). The collective organizes exhibitions in two locations in The Hague, a vitrine space - The Balcony, and a project space - Susan Bites. Its current members are KABK graduates Ioana Ciora (RO), Arthur Cordier (BE), Matthew James Lanning (NL) and Valentino Russo (IT).