Screening curated by Alcaeus Spyrou
Friday May 3rd 2024
WITH FILMS BY Theo Triantafyllidis, Total Refusal, Suzanne Treister
Expanding the defined boundaries of the exhibition ‘Slow Drift(s): Peggy Ahwesh’ as a single event, The Balcony has invited filmmaker Alcaeus Spyrou to develop a screening program responding to Ahwesh’s selected works.
Alcaeus Spyrou’s proposal responds to Ahwesh’s formal deployment of video games, especially because of the way in which these may allow the audience to actively participate in the construction of meaning and narrative development. The works in this program trace the often invisible forces shaping the world, including military and commercial organizations, as well as the technology that sustains their functioning.
Alcaeus' selection includes Theo Triantafyllidis’ Ork Haus (2022), Total Refusal’s Hardly Working (2022), and Suzanne Treister’s HFT The Gardener (2015).