As part of The Balcony’s educational program

Run, Artist-Run! Workshop
x KABK BA Fine Arts

Friday 22nd November 2024

The students of the KABK (BA Fine Arts) present their public program at the end of the course ‘RUN, ARTIST-RUN!’ that took place this fall at The Balcony. By learning conceptual and practical knowledge on curating and exhibition making, the students developed concrete exercises and tools, leading to the presentation of their own initiative.

Friday, 22th November | 15:00 - 17:00

Dara, Raymond, Julia, and Benni wonder what can emerge when we allow ourselves to respond to an object without purpose. With the intention of challenging perception and detaching from functionality, they invite you to “one60.” Inspired by Erwin Wurm’s one-minute sculpture exercise, this hour-and-a-half workshop encourages participants to engage with a randomly assigned object for just one minute.

The intervention will start with a short introduction, followed by a series of experiments, reflections, and discussions on the theme of distortion. Together, we will explore how simple, everyday objects can transform in meaning and shape when freed from their intended use. This workshop is both playful and thought-provoking, culminating in a space filled with deconstructed objects that reveal new perspectives.

Eulogy for a Bug
Friday, 22th November | 17:00 - 19:00

Hauni, Helmi, and Isil invite you for an unusual memorial event honouring the life of a humble bug whose existence was abruptly cut short. Through this reflective event, we explore themes of neglect, intimacy, and the small, often-overlooked moments that connect us to the world around us.

The evening begins with a lighthearted eulogy and a symbolic "ceremony", followed by a creative writing session. Participants have the opportunity to write and share their own eulogies for things or beings they’ve neglected, creating a space for humor, introspection, and connection.

A Collective Nesting
Friday, 22nd November | 19:00 - 21:00

What defines "home" in today's climate? Amidst the housing crisis and shifting notions of stability, this interactive event hosted by Julie, James, and Louisa explores the meaning of home through the themes of community, resilience, and accessibility.

A Collective Nesting invites you to explore the definition of ‘home’ and the struggle to find one in today’s challenging climate. Stability and intimacy have become scarce luxuries, and homes are increasingly out of reach. Is ‘home’ now a comforting refuge or a fragile, aspirational construct? How can we rediscover ‘home’ through our environments and communities?

Our guest speaker, Joey (they/them), discusses the process of squatting, providing practical instructions on how to squat as a means of building community through active participation. Following Joey's talk, you’re invited to join us for a group weaving activity, a collective experience designed to emphasize the importance of collaboration and community. We weave, play, and connect with each other in a warm and open space, addressing the housing crisis in The Hague and envisioning new ways of finding ‘home’.
